
Bayerischer Brauerbund e.V.

Founded in 1880, the Bayerische Brauerbund e.V., based in Munich, is the umbrella organization of the Bavarian brewing industry. The purpose of the association is to represent and promote the common interests of the entire Bavarian brewing industry. The Bayerischer Brauerbund sees itself as a service company that makes a crucial contribution to the success of its member companies. It supports with competent advice on questions and problems in all areas from beer production to the distribution of Bavarian beer.


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Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter e.V. (German Plant Breeders' Association)

The German Plant Breeders Association (BDP) is a registered association with offices in Bonn and Berlin. It represents the interests of the plant breeding and seed trading companies in Germany. BDP is a non-government, non-profit organization financed by its 130 member companies. BDP voices the interests of its members, internally and externally. The most important objective is to optimize the breeding and seed trading framework with regards to:


  • Intellectual property rights for plant varieties
  • Use of available methods in their diversity
  • Promotion of plant research
  • Access to plant genetic resources
  • Enhancing the legal systems applicable to plant variety rights and seed marketing


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Bundesverband der obst- gemüse- und kartoffelverarbeitenden Industrie e.V.

The Association of the Fruit, Vegetable and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) is the voice of the sixth largest sector in the German food industry – consisting mostly of small and medium sized enterprises. BOGK’s mission is to represent the political and economic interests of its members vis-à-vis decision makers on all levels of Government. To this end BOGK works particularly closely with the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the European Commission.

In addition BOGK speaks for its members in business relations with stakeholders throughout the food chain. At trade fairs BOGK organizes the representation of the industry, for example through joint exhibition stands.

Finally, BOGK is the industry’s spokesman in press and media relations. It focusses on detailing the sector’s contribution to a healthy diet and a sustainable production and distribution of processed fruit, vegetables and potato products.

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Bundesvereinigung der Erzeugerorganisationen Obst und Gemüse e.V.

The Bundesvereinigung der Erzeugerorganisationen Obst und Gemüse e.V. - BVEO (German Association of Producer Organizations Fruit and Vegetable) is the national association of all German fruit and vegetable producer organizations and other individual companies of the German fruit and vegetable industry. BVEO is based in Berlin and bundles important competences for its members to apply their know-how for the high quality standards of German fruit and vegetables. In addition to organizing trade fairs and congress appearances, the association primarily represents the political interests of its members and manages public relation and marketing activities.


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Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e.V.

DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e.V. – German Agricultural Society), founded in 1885 by Max Eyth, is an open network and serves as a professional voice of agriculture, agribusiness and the food industry. Its goal is to promote progress by transferring and communicating knowledge, quality and technology. DLG has over 30,000 members. It is non-profit, politically independent and internationally networked.

As one of the leading organizations in its sector, DLG organizes trade fairs and events in the fields of agriculture and food technology, conducts tests of foods and beverages, agricultural machinery and equipment, as well as farm inputs, and in a large number of expert committees develops answers to the challenges confronting agriculture, agribusiness and the food industry.


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Deutscher Raiffeisenverband e.V.

The DRV is the political umbrella organisation for all cooperatives and cooperative-oriented companies in the German agricultural and food industry. As an important link in the food value chain, the 1,656 member companies in the production, trade and processing of plant and animal products with 114,000 employees and 6,000 people in training achieve a turnover of 82.6 billion euros. Farmers, gardeners and winegrowers are the members and therefore the owners of the co-operatives. The DRV stands for the original co-operative principle: individual responsibility and the pooling of forces in the economy and society.

As an umbrella organisation, it represents the interests of its member companies that are active in the production, purchasing, processing and marketing of agricultural products. Building blocks of success:
- Consistent market and future-orientation of the companies
- Increased efficiency along the entire process chain
- Horizontal bundling as a response to the concentration in the food retail sector
- Application and further development of quality management
- Optimisation of transparency and hygiene throughout the entire process chain


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Food – Made in Germany e.V.

Food - Made in Germany assoc.

Food - Made in Germany association (FMIG) is the export organization of the German food & drinks sector. It was founded in May 2009 on the initiative of medium-sized companies in the German food industry.

The association represents the external interests of its members in the areas of sales and export promotions. The economy, social affairs and the environment are all in the same boat and we actively address the challenges of sustainable management. About 70% of our member companies are certified organic processors and our sponsoring members are closely networked with German state and federal politics.

We are committed to service that builds trust and partnerships that create success. With our members and with our international partners abroad.

Our service profile:

  • Support for foreign traders in the search for experienced German food and drinks producers
  • Information on export relevant events in Germany and abroad (exhibitions, market research trips, matchmaking, seminars etc.)
  • Market research and information
  • Networking and exchanges of experiences
  • Activities for market entries (listing events, exhibitions, business trips, matchmaking, business presentations etc.)

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German Dairy / Export-Union für Milchprodukte e.V.

The Export-Union für Milchprodukte e.V. represents 86 leading companies in the dairy export and trade sector. The members process over 30 million tonnes of milk every year and produce various dairy products that are sold worldwide. With a turnover of over 35 billion euros in 2022, the sector is at the forefront of the German food industry. The association supports the international business activities of its member companies and promotes the global sale of high-quality German dairy products through its comprehensive commitment.


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German Livestock e.V.

The breeding associations coordinate the genetic improvement of livestock. They have a long tradition about more than 100 years. The breeding associations are competitive companies of breeding and artificial insemination. In addition to the optimisation of the performance potential of the animals, the characteristics of health and fitness are also taken into account in the breeding goals. The breeding goals are oriented to the needs of the market.
Breeding animals from Germany are in demand worldwide.


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German Meat GmbH

German Meat is the joint export promotion organization of the German pork, beef, poultry and meat processing industry. The aim of German Meat is to promote the export of products made by the German meat industry. It helps you to find exactly the right supplier of meat and meat products from Germany.

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German Sweets

German Sweets e.V. (German Association for the Promotion of Chocolate, Confectionery, Biscuit, Snack and Ice-cream Exports) is the committed export partner of the German confectionery industry.Founded in 1977, our organisation meanwhile counts more than 100 companies from the manufacturing sectors chocolate products, sugar confectionery, fine bakery wares, ice cream, snacks, and raw pastes among its members. As of 1997, we have also admitted manufacturers of confectionary-related products, as extraordinary members. We simultaneously serve as a reference office for professional buyers and importers from all over the globe.

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Verband der Ausfuhrbrauereien Nord-, West- und Südwestdeutschlands e.V.

The Association of the Export Breweries of Northern, Western and Southwestern Germany was established in 1946 and its task is to safeguard and promote the foreign trade interests of its member breweries throughout Germany (outside Bavaria). Central concerns are guidance and advice for members in all issues relating to export, and representation of their interests vis-à-vis government bodies at national and European level, and also vis-à-vis third countries.

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Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism

The Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism cares at state, national and EU level for appropriate conditions to save Bavaria as a location for agriculture, food industry and forestry for the future.

alp Bayern, the agency for Bavarian food products, conducts marketing activities both in Germany and abroad to promote sales of Bavarian food products. By working closely alongside governing bodies and institutions, as well as companies representing the Bavarian food industry, alp Bayern is responsible for implementing the following measures for the Bavarian food industry:

  • Organising joint stands for Bavarian companies that represent the agricultural and food industries at specialist and consumer trade fairs both in Germany and abroad
  • Organising educational and promotional measures in Germany and abroad (e.g. promotional ‘Bavaria weeks’ in food retail)
  • Contact to trade partners from abroad

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Federation of German Food and Drink Industries

The Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE) is the political top-level association of the German food and drink industry. Its membership comprises the branch associations and major companies. BVE's principle task is the representation of its members' common interests in the national and international context.

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Deutscher Bauernverband e.V.

The German Farmers’ Association (DBV) is the agricultural umbrella organisation in Germany. Over 90 % of all German farmers (about 270.000) are members of DBV on a voluntary basis. DBV represents the agricultural, economical, legal, fiscal, environmental, social, educational, and socio-political interests of the agricultural and forestry sector vis-à-vis society at large and the world of politics. Via its offices in Berlin and Brussels, it acts as the contact point for all political issues debated at national and European level. One of the main aspects of its vocational work today is increasingly the effective marketing of agricultural products and the task of assuring quality of foods. Via its membership in COPA (the working group of the farmer’s associations at EU-level), the German Farmers’ Association represents farmers’ interests in dealings with the EU authorities and institutions.


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QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH

Quality assurance. From farm to shop.

For over 20 years, QS has been the industry's institution for safety in food and feed production. The QS scheme defines the requirements for food safety and quality assurance seamlessly along the entire value chains for meat, fruit, vegetables, potatoes. All more than 180,000 partners in the QS scheme undergo regular inspections by independent auditors. Quality assurance is flanked by comprehensive monitoring programs and targeted laboratory analyses. Products from the QS scheme can be identified by the QS certification mark. It stands for safe food whose conscientious and monitored production can be relied upon by all economic operators, consumers and society.

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