Initial situation:
In 2021, German exports to Chile have overall increased by 80.5 %, reaching € 255 million in value. The biggest export categories in 2021 were meat and meat products (€ 62.4 m., +303 %), dairy products (€ 36.3 m., +42 %), sweets and confectionary (€ 23.4 m., +41 %), processed fruits, vegetables and potatoes (€ 17.9 m., +66 %), beer (€ 26.9 m., +130 %), and bakery products (€ 13 m., +42 %).
The seminar is organised in close collaboration with the AHK Chile.
Presentations by speakers with years of experience will provide participants with expert knowledge about the current market situation and enable them to assess their potential market opportunities. The seminar is aimed at companies / export employees who are either newcomers to the Chilean market or those who want to update / deepen their existing knowledge.
GEFA service package
- Practical orientation: Speakers are experienced practitioners with many years of references.
- Target market specific market data: participants additionally receive current trade market data (source: GlobalData) and the export statistics (source: AMI) on the Chilean market
- One-off cost contribution: several company representatives can participate
- Implementation in English: The seminar will be held in English.
- AHK consultancy services: For individual support on the Chilean market.
More information about the seminar is available here.